Essays on Seinfeld
—"The Alternate Side ," and the same side. Both sides of the show's creation and production.
—Double your authorship, double your fun. Coincidence and repetition in "The Baby Shower ," "The Limo," and "The Pie "
—Jerry's "Men Hunt and Women Nest in Terms of Channel Surfing" Joke in "The Fire" and "The Baby Shower"
—re: "Archie and the Bowling Team" Seinfeld and reversals of manhood in "The Jacket" and "The Reverse Peephole"
—"The Keys " and rebelling against the reality of the show
—Biff Loman, "The Subway," and "The Boyfriend"
—Finally, a show about nothing. Here's the idea and here's "The Pitch." And here's a map!
—Art as getting paid to masturbate, "The Contest ," presented as a lecture at the Car Hole Gallery for FAQ: A PowerPoint Symposium .
—"The Race " and superhuman joking.
—An argument that Seinfeld re-presents American myth, most obviously Superman, the way James Joyce's Ulysses re-presents European myth, most obviously The Odyssesy.
—Thinking of Larry David as a modern day Alexander Pope, part 1 part 2 part 3
—"The Pick," The Merchant of Venice and Jewishness
—Amateurs, baseball, and Beaches—"The Understudy"
—Truth, lies and cover-up in "The Beard"
—Seinfeld and American bohemian mysticism
—The tradition of the sitcom ending, "jumping the shark ," and Seinfeld's self-conscious farewell.
—David Foster Wallace's essay "E Unibus Plurum," Mike Lerner, metafiction, and television.
—John Keats, truth, beauty and rejection of euphemism as a way of life.
—The great storytellers: Homer Simpson, Homer, George—"The Marine Biologist" and "The Wink"
—The Seinfeld reunion season of Curb Your Enthusiasm and the nature of a favor .
—Reading Gender Trouble and watching Seinfeld in 2015, presented at the 34th Annual Lewis & Clark Gender Studies Symposium.
Essays about Writing Essays on Seinfeld
—"A Lamentation ," that I didn't get to write for or about Seinfeld when it was on.
—"The Seinfeld Chronicles" and my life watching television.
—Seinfeld in re-runs
—Watching Curb Your Enthusiasm instead of Seinfeld
—Writing a book about Seinfeld
—Nebraskan Seinfeld research on post-David Seinfeld
—The tenth anniversary of the end of Seinfeld and the poverty of contemporary Seinfeld scholarship
—The end of 2008 and the beginning of writing
—A Day in the life of someone writing a book about Seinfeld.
—The technological life of the study begins here.
—Writing in the same room as my dad and him complaining when I want to listen to Linda Ronstadt and, specifically, her cover of "Desperado " by the Eagles.
—Kenny Kramer profits off the show so the show profits off of him and it all has to do with Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters and misspelling the word "Further" with two "u"s.
—Costanzian feelings of failure
—The book's end, in that the period it describes has ended, though the act of describing continues to catch up. For example: to do list .
—Revolutionary methods—blogs, charts, email polls, Dale Cooper's rock-throwing chalkboard "Tibetan Method"—were used in the writing of this book.
Writing appropriated for thinking about Seinfeld,
though not necessarily about Seinfeld
—My 9th Grade Biography report on Kathleen Tracy's The Entire Domain
—On the linguistic gifts of the American, from A History of the English Language
—Oxford English Dictionary entry for "Cosmos "
—An email to Brendan McCauley about watching "The Pitch" in the Dominican Republic
—"I didn't know you meant hold it, I thought you meant hold it." The wagon in "The Red Dot"
—Journal entry, April 2008, Samaná, the Dominican Republic
—A quick explication of the motif of karma as comedic device in Seinfeld
—Oxford English Dictionary entry for "masturbation ."
—An imagined encounter in the bathroom.
—An email from Brendan responding to the account of my trip to Nebraska
—"The Hyena " chapter 49 of Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Essays not about Seinfeld
—Paul de Man, Archie Bunker and Purse-wearing in "Archie and the Bowling Team"
—The 2011 "Feast of Lanterns" Celebration in Pacific Grove, California, and a quest to understand it .
—A reaction to Avatar
—Getting paid a lot of money to vandalise—Banksy and Exit Through the Gift Shop
—Adventures in early 2012 pop culture —from RiRi to Carl Jung
—William Carlos Williams, his brother, and the Occupy movement
—Sydney's Defense of Poesy comes to Mike Daisey's aid
—Jeff, Who Lives at Home, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Society and Truth collide at my day at the movies
—Thomas Kinkade goes to the light.
—The accounts of my facebook account's accounts, part 1 , part 2 , part 3, part 4
—My one-time newspaper delivery experience
—My statement of purpose for a facebook writing group
—Notes on technology v. humanity
—Notes on Wes Anderson
—A story about almost going on an adventure.
—A critical appreciation of Carey Baldwin's Places I Clip My Nails
—The moment that caused William Carlos Williams to write one of the most important poems in American literature occurs again with a bottle of Gatorade.
—An essay about not going back to school
—Is it one M&M or one M&M's?
—John Stewart is a Californian folk musician who does not host the Daily Show with Jon Stewart
—A public service announcement to car drivers
—The 2011 "Feast of Lanterns" Celebration in Pacific Grove, California, and a quest to understand it .
—A reaction to Avatar
—Getting paid a lot of money to vandalise—Banksy and Exit Through the Gift Shop
—Adventures in early 2012 pop culture —from RiRi to Carl Jung
—William Carlos Williams, his brother, and the Occupy movement
—Sydney's Defense of Poesy comes to Mike Daisey's aid
—Jeff, Who Lives at Home, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Society and Truth collide at my day at the movies
—Thomas Kinkade goes to the light.
—The accounts of my facebook account's accounts, part 1 , part 2 , part 3, part 4
—My one-time newspaper delivery experience
—My statement of purpose for a facebook writing group
—Notes on technology v. humanity
—Notes on Wes Anderson
—A story about almost going on an adventure.
—A critical appreciation of Carey Baldwin's Places I Clip My Nails
—The moment that caused William Carlos Williams to write one of the most important poems in American literature occurs again with a bottle of Gatorade.
—An essay about not going back to school
—Is it one M&M or one M&M's?
—John Stewart is a Californian folk musician who does not host the Daily Show with Jon Stewart
—A public service announcement to car drivers